Zach and Eli

Zach and Eli
Rock of Ages

Saturday, October 17, 2009

For the love of the little ones.

How did we get here? It seems as though the kids were all so small, not so long ago, now the baby I watch, Bon, is 10 months old, the little girl I watch Abby is turning 2, and my youngest turned 13. I remember when they were so small that they needed me all of the time, now there are moments when I sit in a quiet house and wonder when they will be coming in the door, and I will bounce back to action.
Thank goodnes for these little people who keep me busy during the day, along with my Grandma Kathy, and my Mom. Oh and I should not forget the neices nephews or neighbors. I love all of them, especially for reminding me of the sweet innocence of childhood.
I look at my children and wonder what the next 3 years will bring, I feel like I may have not taken every opportunity with these beautiful children I have been blessed with, and that the sand is running out of the hourglass all too soon.
So hold your little ones tight, and tell them that they always have to kiss their moms, regardless of mustaches, beards, or grumpy teenage attitudes. They are grow up too fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

special post Jenn...I will take your advice! I am "trying" to love all the moments and "trying" to realize that I only have a short amount of time...but then you throw in the fact that you are supposed to "train them up in the way they should go" and then you feel like you have to be a little more stern...I can't win!